Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fungus of the arm...oh my.

So, where to begin? I've been doing a lot of random things lately. I spent a day at this girls grandparent's house and it was really nice. After everything I said, the grandmother would say "Que bueno" very enthusiastically. This went on for 7 hours. And it was a good time. Let's see, what else has happened? Oh yeah, I'm in the Peace Corps office right now. We have IST (in-service training) for the week. Only, it starts tomorrow! It's easy for me to lose track of which day is which and what date is what, so I'm here...a day early! I'm going to have to stay in a hotel because I don't want to travel all the way back home, just to turn around in the morning! There's a nice hotel up the street...I'm on my way there after I finish writing this! Whoops! In other news, I had a pretty successful turn out to my little meeting about my english course. I have around 30 people interested in being in my course and I was so proud of myself because for an hour straight I explained everything to the spanish! I really feel like I'm making some progress in the language! But it's still easier for me to speak than to listen. But we already knew that! Oh, and the Costa Rican version of "So you think you can dance?" has started. That can be quite interesting to watch. It's live and ends whenever the dancers are done...This can be over 3 and a half hours! They have different programming here. So shows start at 1:17 in the afternoon or can end at 5:42. You can never be too sure when a show is starting or ending! But anyways! I think I'm going to head off for my 1 mile walk to the hotel! Tomorrow is the real first day of IST and I'll be here for 1 week and then it's back to my town to start my english course and to start helping all the english teachers in the high school! Next time I should be able to post some more pictures! Bye for now!


  1. Hi - my name is Cate, and I stumbled onto your blog pretty recently. Which just made me thrilled, since I want to volunteer in Costa Rica for the Peace Corps! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading about your experiences, and good luck during the rest of your service. Do you have any advice for someone in my position?

  2. Hey there Cate! Thanks for reading my blog! My greatest advice to you is to be patient! The whole Peace Corps process takes a long time! Have you started the application process yet? If you have any more questions along the way, let me know!
