Wednesday, April 15, 2009

They is some carb-a-holics up in here.....

I am loving this! I had an exam in Espanol ayer (yesterday) and I did really well!! I've been processing quickly in Spanish...which is no big surprise! I love to talk! In any language! I'm now able to have conversations with my family and I'm learning more and more about Costa Rica and all the amazing things here! I've had so many crazy things happen, I don't even know where to begin! I had an awesome birthday with fellow volunteers and mi familia aqui! We celebrated Easter....all week! It's huge here! It's like Christmas! Everything shuts down and the buses don't run and it was really quiet! Everyone was at home with their families and it was really nice. I had a 4 day break! I had a lot of quality time with my family and it really helped me with the language even more! Next time I'll have to post some more pictures I've taken, especially the ones with my little sister here! She is so adorable! I think I'll take her with me...Oh yeah! Random side note! I totally have gotten attacked...3 3 different dogs!!! I don't know what it is, but Caesar Milan aka The Dog Whisperer, needs to get up in here. All his techniques failed me...They roam the streets and then I went down this one street and 4 dogs (they were actually really small) followed me, one got scarred, barked, got the others all worked up, and then one bit my calf....It was actually pretty funny because I screamed like a baby...The dog probably weighs 8 pounds...but still! Later, that same day, I got bit by another dog! Long stories...I'm fine, but it's pretty crazy! And don't worry...I don't have rabis! (I hope! ;) I've officially gotten to the half-way point through training! 6 more weeks and it'll be time to get to my permanent site for the next 2 years! I feel like I've been here for 5 months! Time is very different here! So much has happened! You have no idea how much I am leaving out! I need to write a book...just on the last 6 weeks! Anyways! I hope you all are doing well! Sorry I can't post more often. I'm going a mile a minute here! Eating my gallo pinto, taking my bus through the montanas, and learning how to flush a toilet without the handle (oh yes, I have mastered it). It's all good! Hopefully I'll be able to write again soon! :)


  1. Hi Leah! I posted on your facebook page. I got the email today about the SchoolWise program and I can't wait to do this! I am so excited. I have to get permission from my principal, but I am sure he'll go for it. I am hoping to teach Science next year and this will be perfect!
    It sounds like you are having a great time, aside of the dog bites! Hope you are OK.

  2. You need Emmy down there to protect you!
