Sunday, May 10, 2009

Swine is fine!

I'm still alive! I'm nearing the end of my training and it's been a crazy last few weeks! I've been traveling all over the country and we just had a big site revealing on Friday! I know where I'm going to live now! Everyone is really excited and we are spread out all across Costa Rica! I'm going to be living about an hour or so away from San Jose! Before revealing, we had Tech Week, and I visited a town that was so hot, it was seriously 90 degrees in my room at night! So, I'm really excited because I am going to be living in a cooler community! It's in the mountains! Who would have thought? I move to Costa Rica and I'm living in the mountains! How awesome! And I'm only an hour or so from a beach, too! And I'll be working with youth, teaching english, and helping with computers! I'll try to blog again soon and add some more pictures! Bye for now!

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